Adjustment disorder can cause sufferers to be completely unable to cope with situations at work if their
trigger can be found in the workplace. When triggers at work interfere with a person's ability to complete
necessary work tasks, it may be possible for the sufferer to collect Social Security Disability Insurance
(SSDI) benefits.
Adjustment disorder is similar to some types of depression because it shares the symptoms of crying,
hopelessness, and a loss of interest in things that were once enjoyed. However, people with an adjustment
disorder experience these symptoms in response to a trigger situation.
The trigger situation that causes an adjustment disorder to form renders the sufferer unable to adjust or
cope with the situation. A lack of ability to cope with a situation may be related to conflict at home,
problems in a marriage, or struggles with finances. Younger sufferers may be having trouble in school or have
recently lost a loved one.
For someone with adjustment disorder, sometimes even a small disturbance can trigger the disorder. For example, a person may receive a negative performance report at work and start showing signs of adjustment
People afflicted with adjustment disorder often avoid work or school in order to avoid the trigger situation.
They may fail to pay bills or meet important deadlines.
It is estimated that 20 percent of all people who commit suicide in the U.S. suffer from an adjustment disorder.
Can You Get Disability for Adjustment Disorders?
While there are no Social Security Administration (SSA) listings directly related to adjustment disorders,
the symptoms of an adjustment disorder that coincide with those of depression, anxiety disorder or bi-polar
disorder may make it possible for a person suffering from adjustment disorder to qualify for SSDI benefits.
The person must experience four or more depressive symptoms simultaneously on a regular basis for a period of
no less than one year. Symptoms include:
Decreased ability to concentrate
Sleep disturbances
Excessive weight gain or loss
Loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyable
Thoughts of suicide
Not only must you experience four or more of the symptoms listed above, but these symptoms must be
severe enough to significantly reduce your ability to work, engage in social activities, or complete routine
Unfortunately, most cases of adjustment disorder do not present clear medical facts that make it apparent
that a person would be eligible to collect SSDI benefits. When a person is not able to collect SSDI benefits
by meeting the requirements in an SSA listing, they will need to be evaluated on an individual basis.
An evaluation is based on medical records, so it is important for these records to be accurate and complete.
People with adjustment disorder should schedule regular appointments with a therapist in order to increase
their chances of having their disorder recognized as a reason to collect SSDI benefits.
The key to success requires proving that someone with Adjustment Disorder is unable to cope in any work
environment for which they are qualified.
We understand that the Social Security Disability determination process can be confusing, frustrating, and
at times even overwhelming - especially if you are caring for someone with mental health issues.
To discuss your SSD claim or appeal, please call (518) 377-4204 or
use our contact page.
The initial consultation is free, and we never charge a fee until we win your case.